Single operator solution with a templated workflow of GFX and Virtual Ads
Virtual advertising for sports can be a complicated business. REMI, GREMI, upstream, downstream there’s a lot to take into account to deliver world class ad insertion. Hego removes this complexity by supplying a turnkey mobile system that you pay for on a per game basis. We combine best of breed technology with our trained operators delivering virtual advertising for sports such as football, rugby, basketball, cricket, F1 and many others
Hego has been supplying world class server based virtual advertising solutions for over a decade, delivering exceptional value to broadcasters and production companies. Hego Solo evolves our battle tested virtual advertising solution into a single-operator, highly mobile, fully redundant system. The SOLO flypack is specifically built using the most powerful mobile solutions available. The robust configuration of these units removes the risks associated with shipping, such as boards and components becoming dislodged.
Thanks to the multiple forms of calibration available to the operator, Hego Solo can be used across many sports for virtual ad insertion, displaying graphics and visualizing data providers such as the Emmy award winning optical tracking system TRACAB. Weather is replacing traditional carpets, adding advertising in empty stands or positioning logos and scores, Hego Solo is a one stop, turnkey solution that delivers astonishing results.
Turnkey, mobile solution combining cutting edge technology with Hego’s operational excellence.
Local to the OB or full REMI/GREMI
Line, Scene and Anchor. Allowing us to place graphics in any location.
Up to four Independent outputs for increased monetization potential.
Up to five camera inputs
Client Friendly flexible payment plans are available.
Hego supports the center camera, the left and right 16 meter/offside cameras and the high home/behind goal camera.
Hego supports up to four independent outputs.