MELVILLE, N.Y. — Feb. 8, 2022 — Hego, a Chyron brand, today announced that it is providing HBCU GO, the leading media provider for the nation’s 107 Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs), with an end-to-end first-and-10 graphics solution for the free streaming network’s production of Southwestern Athletic Conference (SWAC) football games. Taking advantage of Hego’s turnkey Virtual 1st system, graphics expertise, and on-site operator,
HBCU GO has enhanced its coverage of SWAC matchups, seamlessly delivering dynamic on-field graphics that sports fans have come to expect of top college football broadcasts.
“First-and-10 graphics play a critical role in helping viewers understand what’s at stake with every play, and they also let fans and athletes know we are committed to making every play and every moment count,” said Curt Simmons, executive vice president, programming, and operations, HBCU GO. “The beauty of working with Hego is that we’ve been able to integrate high-end virtual graphics into our productions and regardless of the field or game-day conditions, the on-screen results are pro-level.”
Based on advanced real-time image-processing algorithms, Hego’s Virtual 1st optical tracking system enables very fast calibration and setup time, enabling HBCU GO to incorporate virtual graphics — virtual lines of scrimmage, first-down markers, and sponsored advertisements — into any live broadcast quickly and easily. For every HBCU GO game, a Hego operator sets up a mobile Virtual 1st system, which provides three cameras in and three cameras out, and oversees the placement of graphics throughout the game. The Hego graphics team works with HBCU GO on an ongoing basis to refine the look and feel of first-and-10 graphics.
“With the introduction of virtual placement for first-and-10 lines, Allen Media Group’s HBCU GO is bringing next-level technology and sports enhancement to HBCU college football,” said Hego General Manager Arthur Mason. “We’re proud to be part of raising the profile of these games — and of great athletes across the conference — and supporting HBCU GO in giving fans the viewing experience they deserve.”
For more information about HBCU GO visit HBCUGO.TV or follow us on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and Instagram.